Tag: develop a positive outlook

Being Present

Being Present

Being present, being in the moment is very difficult for most of us to accomplish for any length of time. We are constantly thinking of the past, worrying about the future, listing things we need to do, things we want to do, etc. We are so used to doing routine activities that we can easily …

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Boost Your Energy Levels

Boost Your Energy Levels

From time to time we may all feel that energy lull through the day, but sometimes our energy levels seem to be in a constant lull! Here are some quick and easy ways to maintain and boost your energy levels through your day. 1) Keep to the same sleep pattern-Your body gets into a rhythm …

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Laughter The Best Medicine

Laughter the Best Medicine

Is laughter the best medicine?  Laughter certainly has enormous amounts of health benefits ranging from positively affecting diabetes, lowering risks of heart attacks, reducing stress, anxiety and depression, improving emotional health, strengthen your immune system and much more! Do you remember how much you laughed when you were a child? Children on average laugh hundreds …

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Elodie Armstrong- Ten Commandments

I enjoy looking for poems and quotes that lift my spirits and inspire me. I found this poem by Elodie Armstrong online a few weeks ago and decided to share it with you. I think if we could put these into practise the world would be a far more peaceful and wonderful place. For me, …

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Our every day lives can be stressful, hectic and demanding, we are all guilty at some point of neglecting the present moment, allowing our brains to run like some bizarre computer program, remembering last week, last year, things to do tomorrow, next week, next year, etc. Suddenly the day has gone, the weekend has gone, …

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Guided by Spirit not Driven by EGO

driven by ego

The ego can be seen in many aspects of a person’s character. It is often identified as arrogance, jealousy, fear, stubbornness, judgement, etc. It is also that little voice inside us that stops us from being in the present moment by using worry, fear and anxiety. However, many people do not realise that they are …

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