Tag: New Earth Blog

The Universe Responds to Our Vibration

The Universe responds to our vibration

The present situation and circumstances that we find ourselves in are a direct result of the thoughts we have had in the past. We are where we are, because of our thoughts. Our thoughts become things, our thoughts create our vibration.  We consciously or subconsciously always think about something. The problem with this is that …

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Preparing to Send a Distant Attunement

Preparing to Send a Distant Attunement

More and more people are connecting and sharing energies via distant attunements so I’ve written some tips for preparing to send a distant attunement to help you spiritually prepare for this beautiful energy exchange. Preparing to Send a Distant Attunement Create Sacred Space– cleanse and clean the space you will use physically and spiritually. Choose …

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Top 6 Shamanic Reiki Attunements

top 6 Shamanic Reiki Attunements

The field of Shamanic Reiki is  vast to say the least, there are many vibrational variations of Shamanic work available to us to tap into for healing self, others and Mother Earth. Shamanic energies help us connect to Mother earth, to earth healing and connect spiritually with all that is, with oneness and wholeness.  Shamanic …

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Giving Reiki to Animals

Giving Reiki to Animals

Animals of all descriptions can benefit from Reiki. Animals, unlike humans, have no doubt or resistance and as soon as the healing starts, they just absorb the energies. Animals are very sensitive to energies so giving Reiki to animals is a wonderful way to help. Any animal can receive Reiki, it can be given in …

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10 Ways to Incorporate Reiki In Your Daily Life

incorporate Reiki in your daily life

Working with Reiki for healing and spiritual development is an amazing experience, but Reiki doesn’t have to be something that you tap into only when you are feeling unwell or needing a boost, you can incorporate Reiki in your daily life easily and comfortably. The benefits are incredible. Here are 10 ways to incorporate Reiki …

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Boost Your Self-Care With These Tips

Boost your self-care

Self-care is an act of self-love that many of us overlook and allow our mind, body and spirit to run on empty. We are all guilty of doing so much for others at the detriment to ourselves, but if we start to practise self-care and bring into our daily lives a few simple things then …

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Rituals for Letting Go

Rituals for Letting Go

Following on from my last blog post, Letting Go of All That Does Not Serve You, I thought I’d write some ideas for rituals you can try that will help with the letting go process. Firstly, think about your intention- this seems obvious, but the wording you choose is so important. Choose what you want …

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Letting Go of All That Does Not Serve You

Letting Go of All That Does Not Serve You

Letting go of all that does not serve you is incredibly important for your physical, emotional and spiritual well being….but it’s not always easy! As humans we collect a lot of baggage, memories, beliefs, regrets, ideas, grudges, obligations, obsessions, fears, etheric cords and attachments from others. We carry them around with us, not realising the …

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How Self-talk Affects Our Reality

How Self-talk affects our reality

The words we choose for our self-talk play an incredibly important role in influencing and creating our physical reality, but many of us don’t notice how much our self-talk is shaping our perceptions. Self-talk are the words you use to affirm yourself and your life, sometimes these words are positive, uplifting and supportive, other times …

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I am I Meditation

I am I Meditation

This meditation is a form of mantra and positive thinking that can help boost self-esteem, promote personal power and self-love. “I am I” meditation is simple meditation technique that can be practised by anyone and gives empowering, positive results instantly. I am I Meditation -Prepare for the meditation- You can burn incense, play music, anything …

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